Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Beautiful Day!

What a gorgeous couple of days we've had! I love the nice warm weather. Went up to the state park for a run yesterday afternoon. I got almost 5 miles in and was so happy to be outside in shorts. I had every intention of going to the gym tonight for a spinning class, but it's just too nice out. I'm throwing a few porterhouse steaks on the grill and having a glass of red wine instead.

That sounds so much better - doesn't it? I'm starting to like this blogging thing. Of course once I get the hang of it, something new will come out, but that's ok.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Day of (much needed) Rest

After such a bust weekend, it's nice to take today and rest. I'm not going to do anything physical at all today (not even pilates). I am totally wiped out after this weekend and my body needs some healing time.

Just had my St. Pat's dinner - cornbeef, potatoos, and carrots. I set it up in the crockpot this morning and it was so tender that it just fell apart. We don't do the cabbage because nobody likes it. Why did I cook this meal today instead of tomorrow? Well, I have no idea to be honest. I know that I want to run about 5 miles tomorrow, so maybe I just don't want the big meal after that.
Bloggin if fun, but how do I get people to read this???!!! It's all new to me, so I guess I'll just start researching a little to see what I should be doing. If someone does read this - can you give me some pointers? Thanks!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The dreaded stomach virus!!!

Had a great time last night - exhausting day, but it was a good time. My son called us at about 10 pm to say that his friend just got sick (threw up). We went home and found his friend on the floor very ill. We took him home with a stomach virus and crossed our fingers that no one in the house would get it. I woke up early today and felt great. Decided to do my run before church instead of this afternoon, so I got dressed and ran 8.85 miles. The weather was great and I felt good. Tried a belt for the first time today with a water bottle and sport beans. I liked the belt - just had to tighten it up a bit because it was sliding around when I started. Anyway, it is now 6:50 pm and I don't feel so good. I am praying that I don't get the stomach bug! I HATE to throw up.

I'm really tired and can't figure out if it's because the weekend was so busy or because I am getting sicking. Please, please, please don't let it be that i'm getting sick.

I got the Lysol out today and really cleaned everything, but it may be too late.
I came that you may have and enjoy life and have it in abundance, until it overflows. - John 10:10